New Zealand Graphic and Descriptive. Plate III. Coromandel Harbour (1877)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
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**Discover the Majestic "Coromandel Harbour" by Charles Decimus Barraud**Venture back to 1877 with Charles Decimus Barraud's stunning depiction of "Coromandel Harbour," a serene and detailed etching that captures the timeless beauty of New Zealand's landscapes. This remarkable piece, Plate III in the series "New Zealand Graphic and Descriptive," provides a panoramic view of the tranquil harbor, nestled amidst the rugged terrain of the Coromandel Peninsula.In this masterful etching, Barraud meticulously illustrates the undulating hills and lush vegetation, framing the calm, reflective waters of the harbor. The detail in the foreground features a variety of native trees, adding depth and texture, while the gently rolling hills in the midground guide the eye peacefully towards the serene waters. Notable are the ships anchored in the harbor, invoking a sense of the area's maritime significance during the 19th century. The distant mountains stand majestically under a soft sky, suggesting both the isolation and the expansive beauty of the region."Coromandel Harbour" not only illustrates the natural beauty of New Zealand but also reflects Barraud's skill in capturing the essence of a landscape, combining elements of realism with a touch of the romantic. This painting exemplifies how art from the past can bring historical places to life, fostering an appreciation of both natural beauty and cultural heritage.This evocative work is ideal for anyone enchanted by historical landscapes or seeking a glimpse into New Zealand's picturesque past. Join us in marveling at this artistic treasure and the serene beauty it portrays, right here, displayed in our collection.


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Charles Decimus Barraud (1822 m. gegužės 9 d. - 1897 m. gruodžio 26 d.) buvo Naujosios Zelandijos vaistininkas ir menininkas.