Two Girls In Peasant Costumes

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


We are delighted to feature a captivating work by Konstantin Alexeevich Korovin titled "Two Girls in Peasant Costumes," painted in 1922. This painting is a vibrant portrayal of joyful and lively subjects, imbued with rich colors and expressive brushwork that is characteristic of Korovin's style.In the painting, two young women are depicted wearing traditional Russian peasant costumes. They are seated side by side, with their faces turned towards the viewer, sharing a moment of camaraderie. The girl on the left is adorned in a bright red headscarf and a dress with floral embellishments, her expression is thoughtful and somewhat reserved. In contrast, the girl on the right, also wearing a red headscarf, but paired with a green dress, has a more open, laughing demeanor, suggesting a moment of light-hearted conversation.The background is loosely rendered with swift, dynamic strokes, emphasizing the spontaneity and fleeting nature of the moment captured. The use of color is particularly notable; the vivid reds and greens highlight the vibrancy and vitality of the subjects, while the earthy tones anchor the scene in a rustic simplicity."Two Girls in Peasant Costumes" is more than just a visual delight; it offers a glimpse into the traditional Russian lifestyle, celebrating the beauty and spirit of its people through the lens of Korovin's exceptional artistry. This painting is a testament to the cultural richness and emotional depth that characterizes much of Korovin's work, making it a cherished piece for both art lovers and those interested in Russian heritage.


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Konstantinas Aleksejevičius Korovinas buvo žymus Rusijos impresionistų tapytojas.

Konstantinas gimė Maskvoje pirklio šeimoje, oficialiai įregistruotoje kaip „Vladimiro gubernijos valstiečiai“. Jo tėvas Aleksejus Michailovičius Korovinas įgijo universitetinį išsilavinimą ir labiau domėjosi menais ir muzika, o ne Konstantino senelio įkurtu šeimos verslu.