A Ferry on the Königsee (1827-1839)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


In "A Ferry on the Königsee," the artist Friedrich August Matthias Gauermann captures a striking narrative nestled in the serene and dramatic landscape of the Königsee, a lake in the German Alps. Positioned amidst craggy mountain peaks and under a dynamic, cloud-filled sky, this mid-19th-century ink and brush painting portrays a ferry boat densely packed with livestock and a few passengers. The animals, likely cows or oxen, are tightly arranged, suggesting a journey of necessity, perhaps for trade or seasonal migration.The composition is energetic and finely balanced, with an attention to the rugged textures of the natural environment and a dynamic depiction of human and animal figures. The foreground shows figures at the shore, actively engaged in the loading or unloading process, adding a sense of immediacy and movement to the scene. The artist's use of sepia tones imbues the scene with a timeless, almost melancholic quality, reflecting perhaps on the hardships of rural life during this period.Friedrich August Matthias Gauermann, known for his detailed and realistic portrayals of nature and rural life, beautifully conveys the interaction between humans and their environment in this emotionally resonant work. It's a fine example of his skill in depicting both the beauty and the trials of everyday life in the rural landscapes of the 19th-century.


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Friedrichas Gauermannas (1807 m. rugsėjo 20 d. - 1862 m. liepos 7 d.) buvo austrų tapytojas. Kraštovaizdžio tapytojo Jacobo Gauermanno sūnus gimė Miesenbache netoli Gutenšteino Žemutinėje Austrijoje. Jis buvo ankstyvas veristinio stiliaus atstovas, atsidavęs gamtai visa jos įvairove.