Square de la Mairie, rue Mouton Duvernet et rue Boulard (1916)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


Title: "Square de la Mairie, Rue Mouton Duvernet et Rue Boulard"This enchanting watercolor painting by Félix Brard titled "Square de la Mairie, Rue Mouton Duvernet et Rue Boulard" captures a lively and picturesque moment in Paris in 1916. The scene unfolds in an open, tree-lined square where autumn's touch has colored the leaves with hues of gold, orange, and brown, juxtaposed against a soft, muted sky — a testament to Brard’s delicate handling of light and color.The painting vibrates with life as a group of young children, vividly depicted in mid-march, carry flags, possibly in a patriotic demonstration or a celebratory parade. Their youthful energy and motion are captured with a sense of immediacy and freshness that belies the tranquil setting. Each child is detailed with care, allowing their individual personalities to shine through their expressions and postures.In the background, typical Parisian architecture and casual adult figures contribute to the everyday feel of the setting. One boy in the foreground, detached from the group, plays with a toy, adding a touch of innocent charm to the composition.Brard's work not only offers a visual delight but also serves as a historical snapshot, reflecting the spirit and atmosphere of Paris during this era. This painting, with its blend of dynamic activity and serene ambiance, invites viewers to ponder the stories and lives intertwined in this captivating moment captured in time.


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Félixas Brard'as - prancūzų impresionistas ir modernaus meno kūrėjas.