Joshua Commanding the Sun to Stand Still (1827)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


"Joshua Commanding the Sun to Stand Still" by John Martin, created in 1827, is a masterful depiction of a monumental event from the Bible, illustrating the power of faith and leadership. In this breathtaking painting, Martin portrays the Biblical narrative from the Book of Joshua, where Joshua asks God to stop the sun in the sky to prolong the day and ensure victory for the Israelites in battle.The artwork is infused with dramatic intensity and a profound sense of scale. Martin's use of light and shadow is exemplary, capturing the miraculous moment when the sun halts in the middle of the sky, casting a divine light over the chaotic scene below. The landscape is meticulously detailed, with sweeping valleys, towering mountains, and a fortified city that all contribute to an overwhelming sense of grandeur.Foremost in the composition, Joshua is seen extending his arm towards the heavens, commanding the sun to obey his will. Around him, the Israelites engage in fierce combat against their enemies, depicted in various stages of turmoil and triumph.John Martin, known for his romantic approach to biblical and epic scenes, uses a stark contrast between darkness and light to symbolize divine intervention and the struggle between good and evil. This painting not only captures a pivotal moment in biblical history but also showcases Martin's skill in creating visual narratives that speak to the viewer's emotions, inviting them to ponder the deeper themes of power, faith, and destiny.


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Johnas Martinas buvo anglų romantizmo tapytojas, graviruotojas ir iliustratorius. Jis buvo pagerbtas už didžiulius ir melodramatiškus religinių temų paveikslus ir fantastiškas kompozicijas, apgyvendintas mažomis figūrėlėmis įspūdinguose peizažuose. Martino paveikslai ir iš jų sukurti atspaudai sulaukė didelio pasisekimo plačiojoje visuomenėje – 1821 m. Thomas Lawrence'as pavadino jį „populiariausiu savo dienų dailininku“, tačiau Johnas Ruskinas ir kiti kritikai jį kritikavo.