On the bat’s back I do fly After summer merrily (1908)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


Edmund Dulac's enchanting painting titled "On the bat’s back I do fly After summer merrily" (1908) invites viewers into a mystical world that transcends the ordinary boundaries of imagination. This captivating work features a remarkable scene where a delicate, ethereal figure with angelic wings gracefully rides atop a giant bat, soaring through a dusky twilight sky. Behind this unusual duo, the clouds part to reveal a distant castle amidst a forested landscape, enhancing the painting's enigmatic and otherworldly ambiance.Dulac's masterful use of muted, atmospheric tones and soft lighting evokes a dreamlike quality that is both serene and stirring. The painting, rich in symbolic elements, explores themes of freedom and escapism, conjuring a realm where the fantastical becomes possible. The artwork not only captures the essence of whimsical adventure but also reflects Dulac’s profound ability to blend fantasy with emotion, drawing viewers into a deeper contemplation of the surreal vistas he portrays.As part of our gallery's collection, "On the bat's back I do fly After summer merrily" stands as a testament to Dulac's unique vision and his significant contributions to the art of illustration. This piece continues to fascinate and inspire, offering a portal to the depths of one's own imagination and the endless possibilities that lie therein.


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Edmundas Dulacas (1882 m. spalio 22 d. - 1953 m. gegužės 25 d.) buvo prancūzų ir britų natūralizuotas žurnalų iliustratorius, knygų iliustratorius ir pašto ženklų dizaineris. Gimęs Tulūzoje, jis studijavo teisę, bet vėliau pasuko į meno studijas École des Beaux-Arts.