The sands of time (1904)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


The painting "The Sands of Time" (1904) by John Samuel Pughe offers a compelling visual commentary that traverses the domains of mythology and international politics. At first glance, the figure depicted draws upon the Roman god of war, Mars, symbolizing aggression and military might. The warrior's helmet is inscribed with his name, enhancing the allegorical nature of the character.In this thought-provoking piece, Mars is shown intently gazing at an hourglass where the sands that pass between the upper and lower bulbs mark "Peace" at the top and "War" at the bottom. This stark contrast between peace and war encapsulates the relentless and cyclical nature of human conflicts. Mars rests his arms upon an open book with a map, pointing towards the key geopolitical players of the era, Korea and Japan, which hint at the historical context likely related to the tensions surrounding the Russo-Japanese War era.Through "The Sands of Time," Pughe artfully captures the incessant oscillation between peace and conflict, a timeless notion reflected through the finite passage of sand. His work not only represents historical tensions but also serves as a reminder of the ever-persistent human struggle between war and peace, making it both a piece of historical reflection and a timeless commentary on human nature.


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Johnas Samuelis Pughe'as buvo Velse gimęs amerikiečių politinis karikatūristas, geriausiai žinomas dėl iliustracijų žurnalui „Puck“.

Johnas Samuelis Pughe'as gimė Dolgelley mieste, Merionethšyro grafystėje, Velse, o į Ameriką jį atvežė tėvai, kai jam buvo dveji metai. Jis studijavo meną Cooper Sąjungoje.

Jaunystėje J. S. Pughe'as iliustravo naujienas „New York Recorder“, „Brooklyn Life“ ir „Brooklyn World“ leidimui. Jis pradėjo dirbti Puck žurnale 1894 m. Jis buvo nuolatinis žurnalo darbuotojas iki paskutinio jų animacinio filmo 1908 m. gruodžio mėn.

Pughe'as mirė 1909 m., būdamas 38 metų, Lakehurste, Naujajame Džersyje, kur keletą mėnesių praleido siekdamas pagerinti savo sveikatą.