Self-Portrait With His Father And His Brother (early 1760s)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


John Hamilton Mortimer's captivating painting titled "Self-Portrait With His Father And His Brother" hails from the early 1760s. The artwork eloquently captures three figures, presumed to be Mortimer himself alongside his father and brother, drenched in the soft, mellow light of a pastoral landscape. Mortimer, seated at the foreground in a red waistcoat and tan breeches, is portrayed with the calm elegance of a gentleman. He holds a bunch of birds in one hand and a rod in the other, indicating a recent hunting success, emphasized by the eager interest of a spaniel seated next to him.Standing behind him, dressed in a navy coat with vibrant golden buttons, is believed to be his brother. His demeanor carries a hint of pride and solidarity, evident in his attentive stance and direct gaze. Their father, dressed in traditional attire with a broad brimmed hat, stands as the central figure. His authoritative pose and the act of pointing toward the distance suggest a narrative about guidance and leadership. The expression on his face, along with his commanding gesture, speaks volumes about his role within the family and possibly in society.In the backdrop, the serene expanse of a lush landscape unfolds, dotted with hints of civilization seen in distant buildings, reinforcing the genteel themes of hunting and rural aristocracy. This setting not only complements the subjects but also adds a layer of depth to the composition, portraying an idyllic yet dynamic intersection of nature and human activity.Overall, this painting radiates an air of tradition, family hierarchy, and the leisure pursuits of the gentry in the 18th century, rendered through Mortimer’s emotive and detailed style.


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Pinigai už siuntimą nėra grąžinami.

Johnas Hamiltonas Mortimeris buvo britų figūrų ir peizažų tapytojas bei grafikos kūrėjas, žinomas dėl romantiškų paveikslų, sukurtų Italijoje, darbų, kuriuose vaizduojami pokalbiai, ir XX a. aštuntajame dešimtmetyje nupieštais darbais, kuriuose vaizduojamos karo scenos, panašios į Salvatoro Rosa.

Mortimeris tapo Menininkų draugijos prezidentu 1774 m., likus penkeriems metams iki mirties, būdamas 39 metų.