Notre-Dame vue du quai de la Tournelle (1852)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


"**Notre-Dame Viewed from the Quai de la Tournelle**" by Johan Barthold Jongkind showcases a vibrant perspective of Paris in 1852. This painting captures a bustling riverside scene on the Seine, focusing on the historic Notre-Dame Cathedral, which stands majestically as the centerpiece of the composition. Jongkind's use of light and shadow, coupled with a dramatic sky, brings a dynamic atmosphere to the painting.In the foreground, the daily life of Paris unfolds with workers and carts beside the river, reflecting the city's lively activity. The left side reveals a cluttered riverbank where materials lie scattered, suggesting ongoing labor or transport. People are depicted engaging in various activities, adding a sense of liveliness and humanity to the scene. The serene flow of the Seine contrasts with the busy riverbank, while boats gently resting on the water add a tranquil element to the bustling surroundings.To the view's depth, the iconic silhouette of Notre-Dame Cathedral towers over the surrounding buildings, drawing the eye with its gothic architectural details and grandeur. The delicate rendering of the buildings and the subtle reflections in the water showcase Jongkind’s skill in capturing both urban architecture and the changing moods of nature.This painting not only reflects the urban landscape of Paris in the mid-19th century but also highlights Jongkind’s influence in the development of impressionist techniques, particularly his ability to depict light and atmospheric effects. It remains a captivating historical document, as well as a beautiful artistic creation, combining architectural grandiosity with a snapshot of everyday life by the river Seine.


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Johanas Bartholdas Jongkindas buvo olandų tapytojas ir grafikos kūrėjas. Jis laisvai piešė jūrinius peizažus ir yra laikomas impresionizmo pirmtaku.