The Pancakes (c. 1875)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


"The Pancakes" by Jozef Israëls, dated to around 1875, captures a tender and intimate domestic scene that is rich with emotion and atmospheric detail. The painting depicts an elderly woman carefully pouring batter onto a hot pan to make pancakes. Her actions are observed with keen interest by a young child, sitting on the ground, whose face is turned up in anticipation. The child's attention is riveted on every movement of the woman, suggesting a deep familial bond and perhaps an eagerness to enjoy the simple, yet comforting meal being prepared.Israëls, renowned for his ability to portray ordinary people in their everyday lives, uses a muted palette of browns and dark grays to evoke a sense of warmth and coziness within a humble setting. The play of light and shadow not only highlights the central figures — the grandmother and child — but also enhances the textural details of their clothing and the rustic kitchen environment.This painting is a fine example of Israëls’ mastery in using light to draw attention to the faces and actions of his subjects, thereby evoking an emotional response from the viewer. "The Pancakes" not only offers a glimpse into a moment of everyday life but also celebrates the beauty and depth of common familial interactions.


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Jozefas Israelsas buvo olandų dailininkas. Jis buvo pagrindinis kraštovaizdžio tapytojų grupės, vadinamos Hagos mokykla, narys ir per savo gyvenimą „gerbiamas XIX amžiaus antrosios pusės Nyderlandų menininkas“.

Jis gimė Groningene, žydų tėvų šeimoje. Jo tėvas Hartog Abraham Israëls norėjo, kad jis taptų verslininku, ir tik po ryžtingos kovos jam buvo leista pradėti meninę karjerą.