Goodness gracious! I must have been dozing! (1910)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


Title: **Goodness gracious! I must have been dozing! (1910) by Udo Keppler**This charming and humorous painting by Udo Keppler, called **Goodness gracious! I must have been dozing!** from 1910, captivates viewers with its playful narrative and vibrant depiction. In the scene, a plump elderly woman, wearing a classic nursing outfit adorned with "Staff" ribbons, sits awoken from her nap in a state of shock and disarray. Her knitting work, a likely pastime during her doze, has turned into a chaotic tangle of threads thanks to the mischievous activities of five kittens.The room is well-lit, the sunlight streaming through a window that frames a man peering in, possibly reflecting the woman’s realization of the mess created in her moment of inattention. The kittens, gleefully engaged in their game, have unraveled several balls of yarn, which now lie strewn across the floor and tangled around the woman’s chair and knitting equipment. The scene suggests movement and playfulness, with each kitten contributing to the tangle in its unique way.The setting shows a cozy domestic interior, emphasized by floral curtains and a comfortably furnished space, adding a layer of warmth and everyday life to the image. The color palette uses bright, primary colors to capture the vibrancy and energy of the kittens’ play, while the alarmed expression of the woman adds a comic touch to the otherwise peaceful domesticity.This painting not only displays Keppler's skill in illustrating human and animal figures with a sense of liveliness and personality, but also serves as a delightful commentary on the unexpected surprises that everyday moments can bring.


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Udo J. Keppleris, nuo 1894 m. žinomas kaip Josephas Keppleris jaunesnysis, buvo Amerikos politinis karikatūristas, leidėjas ir indėnų gynėjas. Karikatūristo Josepho Kepplerio (1838–1894), įkūrusio žurnalą „Puck“ sūnus, jaunesnysis Keppleris taip pat prisidėjo prie animacinių filmų, o po tėvo mirties tapo žurnalo bendrasavininku, kai pasivadino Josephu Keppleriu. Jis taip pat buvo indėnų artefaktų kolekcionierius.