Christian VIII Aboard his Steamship ‘Ægir’ Watching the Manoeuvres of a Squadron near Copenhagen (1844)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


This evocative painting by Christoffer Wilhelm Eckersberg, titled "Christian VIII Aboard his Steamship ‘Ægir’ Watching the Manoeuvres of a Squadron near Copenhagen" (1844), captures a significant moment in Danish maritime history. The scene is set off the coast near Copenhagen, where King Christian VIII of Denmark observes naval exercises from the deck of the steamship ‘Ægir’.In this masterful composition, Eckersberg contrasts the traditional sail-powered vessels with the modern steam-powered ship, symbolizing a period of transition in naval technology. The steamship ‘Ægir’, belching black smoke, represents the dawn of a new era, while the elegant sails of the surrounding ships pay homage to the past. The bustling activity at sea is depicted with meticulous detail, reflecting the artist’s renowned precision and care in rendering nautical subjects.The clear blue sky and calm sea juxtapose the dynamic activity of the ships, highlighting the artist's skill in balancing composition and mood. The Danish flags fluttering proudly atop the ships add a patriotic flourish to the scene, evoking a sense of national pride and maritime prowess.This artwork not only offers a visual feast but also serves as a historical document, illustrating an important chapter in Denmark's naval heritage. Through Eckersberg's lens, we are transported back to the mid-19th century, witnessing a pivotal moment that bridges the traditional and the modern in naval technology.


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Kristoferis Vilhelmas Ekersbergas (1783 m. sausio 2 d. - 1853 m. liepos 22 d.) − XIX a. pirmos pusės Danijos klasicizmo tapytojas.