The Artist’s Sister Edma Seated In A Park (1864)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


"The Artist’s Sister Edma Seated In A Park," painted by Berthe Morisot in 1864, is a striking example of Morisot's early work and an exquisite representation of her sister, Edma Morisot. This beautiful watercolor painting showcases Berthe's delicate yet confident brushwork and her sensitivity to light and color.In this serene outdoor setting, Edma is portrayed sitting elegantly on a white bench amidst a lush green backdrop. She wears a voluminous black dress with soft folds that capture the grace and refinement of the era's fashion. The painting is washed in various shades of green, suggesting a vibrant yet tranquil garden ambience, which beautifully frames the central figure.Her expression, contemplative and serene, along with her direct gaze, seems to invite the viewer into her private world, hinting at a deeper introspectiveness beneath her composed exterior. The subtle interplay of light and shadow, combined with the loose and fluid watercolor technique, creates a sense of immediacy and intimacy.This artwork not only vividly captures a moment of leisurely repose but also highlights Berthe Morisot's unique place as a female artist in the Impressionist movement, offering us a window into nineteenth-century Parisian life and fashion. Overall, "The Artist’s Sister Edma Seated In A Park" stands as a testament to Morisot's skill in rendering the beauty of the everyday with poise and lyrical sensitivity.


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Prancūzų tapytojos impresionistės Berthe Morisot (1841–1895) kūriniuose - peizažai ir natiurmortai. Ji buvo vertinama dėl moteriškų paveikslų savybių, intuityvumo, spontaniškumo ir subtilumo, o į savo paveikslus ji dažnai įtraukdavo dukrą Julie. Berthe buvo vedusi Édouardo Manet brolį, o kai kurie sako, kad ji netgi buvo jo mūza, nes pozavo daugeliui jo paveikslų.