Ah mais c’est le cœur qui bat trop vite (1899)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


The painting "Ah mais c’est le cœur qui bat trop vite," created by the French artist Maurice Denis in 1899, captures an intimate and ethereal moment that beautifully reflects the essence of the Symbolist movement. This artwork displays a delicate figure, gently touching her chest with a serene expression, conveying an emotion that resonates as both personal and profound. The title, which translates to "Ah, but it’s the heart that beats too fast," suggests an inner turmoil or a moment of realization captured through the subtle and soft color palette.In the composition, the woman is seated against a backdrop that juxtaposes the indoors with an outdoor scene visible through the window. The exterior view, showing a tranquil and somewhat abstract landscape under a setting or rising sun, offers a stark contrast to the pale, introspective mood of the interior. Denis's skillful use of color and form creates a dreamlike quality that invites viewers into a private world where feelings and surroundings blur together.This painting is a testament to Denis’s vision as a painter who sought to express the mysticism of the inner human experience, placing emotional depth and spiritual inquiry at the forefront of artistic expression. As with much of his work, this piece remains a touching exploration of human emotion and the beauty of symbolic representation.


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Prancūzų tapytojas Maurice'as Denisas (1870-1943) buvo vienas iš reikšmingiausių menininkų pereinant nuo impresionizmo prie modernaus meno. Jam didelę įtaką padarė simbolistiniai Paulo Gogeno darbai. Denisas savo darbuose tapė sodriomis spalvomis ir eksperimentavo su šiltomis bei šaltomis spalvomis. Kai kurios jo teorijos tapo kubizmo, fovizmo ir abstrakčiojo meno pamatais.