The morning after (1905)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


"The Morning After," a captivating artwork by Udo Keppler painted in 1905, offers a striking and thought-provoking visual commentary. In this vivid illustration, we see a unique representation of the American national symbol, the bald eagle, portrayed in a disheveled and weary state.The eagle, draped in a tattered American flag, stands amidst a pile of debris, including broken weapons and spent ammunition casings. This image starkly contrasts the typical majestic and robust portrayal of the eagle, suggesting a narrative of exhaustion and the aftermath of conflict. The backdrop features a soft dawn sky filled with stars, adding a somber yet hopeful note that possibly signifies the end of darkness and the beginning of a new day.Keppler, known for his politically charged illustrations, uses this piece to perhaps critique the consequences of military actions or political decisions, reflecting on their aftermath on the nation's spirit and values. The serene yet somber sky in the background contrasts with the chaotic and damaged symbols in the foreground, creating a powerful message about resilience and recovery.This illustration not only showcases Keppler's skillful use of symbolism and color but also invites viewers to reflect on broader themes of national identity, the costs of war, and the hope for renewal. It remains a memorable piece for its poignant portrayal and its relevance to discussions about national policies and their deep impacts.


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Udo J. Keppleris, nuo 1894 m. žinomas kaip Josephas Keppleris jaunesnysis, buvo Amerikos politinis karikatūristas, leidėjas ir indėnų gynėjas. Karikatūristo Josepho Kepplerio (1838–1894), įkūrusio žurnalą „Puck“ sūnus, jaunesnysis Keppleris taip pat prisidėjo prie animacinių filmų, o po tėvo mirties tapo žurnalo bendrasavininku, kai pasivadino Josephu Keppleriu. Jis taip pat buvo indėnų artefaktų kolekcionierius.