The Madonna and Child at Left, with a File of Angels (1750–1753)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo's etching titled "The Madonna and Child at Left, with a File of Angels," dating from between 1750 and 1753, presents an intriguing and dynamic enactment typical of Tiepolo’s work. This captivating artwork reveals a pastoral scenery rich in narrative elements and visual rhythm.The composition gracefully articulates a celestial narrative with Madonna and Child subtly illustrated towards the left of the scene, cloaked in a gentle embrace that radiates sanctity and protection. This depiction subtly blends into the natural surroundings, rather than dominating the scene, which suggests the harmonious integration of the divine within the earthly realm.A significant part of this scene is dominated by the striking figure of a pilgrim on the right, burdened by a heavy wicker basket, possibly symbolizing the weight of worldly struggles or spiritual endeavors. This pilgrim is assisted by a divine figure, likely depicting an angel, who helps support the load, introducing themes of divine intervention and support in human hardships.The landscape itself is lively, with detailed trees framing the scene and birds soaring in the sky, adding a sense of freedom and movement that contrasts the weighty effort depicted in the human and angelic struggle. The overall atmosphere evoked is one of perseverance guided by grace, beautifully captured through Tiepolo’s masterful etching strokes.This artwork not only showcases Tiepolo’s skill in composing engaging biblical scenes but also reflects his deep understanding of human emotion and divine interaction, making "The Madonna and Child at Left, with a File of Angels" a profound piece for contemplation and admiration.


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Džovanis Domenikas Tiepolas – italų XVIII a. rokoko tapytojas ir grafikas. Jo stilius buvo labiau realistiškesnis ir mažiau alegorinis nei žymesnio tėvo Džovanio Batistos Tiepolo. Svarbiausiais Domeniko Tiepolo kūriniais įvardijamos kasdienio gyvenimo ir teatro scenos.