Gedeckter Tisch (laid table) (1904-1905)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


"Gedeckter Tisch" (Laid Table), painted by Alexej von Jawlensky between 1904 and 1905, showcases a still life composition marked by vibrant colors and dynamic brushstrokes that positively enchant the viewer. The painting features a table, gracefully covered with a white cloth, upon which rests an engaging arrangement of simple, everyday objects. At the center, a striking blue vase filled with lush, dark blue flowers dominates the scene, drawing the eye with its intense hue and textured appearance.Surrounding the vase, the table holds a variety of items depicted in bold, expressive colors: red and blue bowls, a yellow lemon, and perhaps a loaf of bread. These elements are not just mere representations; they pulsate with life and energy, their forms rendered with quick, confident strokes. The background remains subdued in darker tones, creating a contrast that further amplifies the vividness of the objects on the table.Jawlensky's work here is a fine example of early expressionist tendencies, focusing on the emotional and spiritual experience evoked by colors and forms. This painting is not just a visual feast but also an invitation to ponder the beauty in everyday simplicity, encouraging viewers to appreciate the vibrancy of the mundane. This piece serves as a testament to Jawlensky's mastery in translating complex emotions into captivating visual narratives.


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Aleksejus fon Javlenskis (1864 - 1941) – XX a. pirmos pusės rusų tapytojas ekspresionistas, kūręs Vokietijoje.