Centaur Carrying Off a Nymph (mid-18th–late 18th century)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
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**Centaur Carrying Off a Nymph** by Giovanni Domenico TiepoloGiovanni Domenico Tiepolo's evocative drawing, titled "Centaur Carrying Off a Nymph," showcases the dynamic mastery for which the 18th-century Venetian artist is celebrated. This artwork, created between the mid-to-late 18th century, illustrates a dramatic and mythological scene using ink and wash techniques that bring a sense of movement and expressive force.The piece depicts a centaur—a mythical creature with the upper body of a human and the lower body and legs of a horse—forcefully abducting a nymph. The nymph, shown in a state of distress and partly disrobed, struggles as she is carried away. The sense of urgency and movement is palpable, with the centaur's posture and muscular tension indicating swift motion. Leaping forward, the centaur is entwined by exceptionally fluid line work and subtle shading, which highlights both the creature's raw power and the delicate features of the nymph.The background, while minimal, suggests a wild, untamed forest setting, reinforcing the narrative's mythological roots. Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo’s work uniquely combines a swift, sketch-like quality with a remarkable attention to detail, allowing viewers to feel the emotional intensity and turmoil in the scene.This compelling depiction invites spectators into a fabled world, reflecting Tiepolo’s skill in breathing lifelike urgency into traditional mythological stories. It is an exemplary model of 18th-century Venetian art, marrying dramatic subject matter with expert technique to create a striking and memorable visual experience.


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Džovanis Domenikas Tiepolas – italų XVIII a. rokoko tapytojas ir grafikas. Jo stilius buvo labiau realistiškesnis ir mažiau alegorinis nei žymesnio tėvo Džovanio Batistos Tiepolo. Svarbiausiais Domeniko Tiepolo kūriniais įvardijamos kasdienio gyvenimo ir teatro scenos.