‘Herziening der Personeele Belasting’ (1895)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


Title: "Herziening der Personeele Belasting" by Jan Toorop (1895)Jan Toorop's "Herziening der Personeele Belasting" is a striking and intricate piece that underscores the artist's detailed and symbolic style. Created in 1895, this lithograph showcases Toorop’s mastery in utilizing swirling lines and nuanced imagery to convey potent social and political commentary.This artwork features a central figure, a bureaucrat, whose exaggerated facial features and focused expression draw attention to the task at hand - revising personal taxation. He sits at a desk, a ledger open before him, surrounded by an array of densely packed symbols and decorative elements that create a tapestry-like background. These elements include various architectural motifs and organic forms, blending industrial themes with naturalistic elements.Beneath the main image is a border filled with faces and forms that seem to represent the diverse populace affected by the tax revisions, ranging from pained expressions to more tranquil demeanors. This variety may symbolize the differential impact of taxation on various social classes.Toorop's work is renowned for its dynamic composition and emotional depth. "Herziening der Personeele Belasting" not only reflects his distinctive art nouveau style but also serves as a historical document, highlighting the societal concerns of his time with a profound artistic voice. This piece remains a compelling example of how art can influence and reflect public thought and policy.


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Jan Toorop buvo olandų ir indoneziečių tapytojas, dirbęs įvairiais stiliais, įskaitant simboliką, Art Nouveau ir Pointillism. Ankstyvajam jo darbui įtakos turėjo Amsterdamo impresionizmo judėjimas.