La Fête Des Quatre-Vingts Ans De Victor Hugo (1903)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


Title: "Celebrating a Literary Giant: 'La Fête Des Quatre-Vingts Ans De Victor Hugo' (1903)"Our latest exhibition spotlights the evocative painting "La Fête Des Quatre-Vingts Ans De Victor Hugo" by the distinguished French artist, Jean François Raffaëlli. This piece beautifully captures the grand celebration of the 80th birthday of Victor Hugo, one of France's most revered writers.Raffaëlli's masterful use of color and detail paints an animated and vibrant scene set in the picturesque village of Villequier, against the backdrop of Hugo's home. The painting teems with life; dozens of figures, likely both locals and dignitaries, gather under a wintry sky. The leafless trees adorned with tricolored French flags flutter proudly, adding a patriotic fervor to the festive atmosphere.The focal point is a dense cluster of flowers and wreaths laid at the doorstep of the beloved poet, symbolizing admiration and respect. The crowd is depicted in varied attire, suggesting the presence of all classes united in shared celebration. Above the throng, a large portrait of Hugo himself looks on, overseeing the festivities from a banner hanging from the balcony.Jean François Raffaëlli, known for his realist and sometimes impressionistic portrayals, meticulously captures the texture of the wintry landscape and the bustling crowd. He communicates not just an event but the spirit of an era that celebrated cultural heroes with heartfelt enthusiasm.This painting not only commemorates an important historical occasion but also invites viewers to reflect on the impact of Victor Hugo’s literary legacy. We invite you to delve deeper into this spellbinding work and explore the rich tapestry of history, culture, and artistry at our exhibition.


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Pinigai už siuntimą nėra grąžinami.

Jean-François Raffaëlli buvo prancūzų realistas tapytojas, skulptorius ir grafikas, dalyvavęs parodose su impresionistais. Jis taip pat buvo aktyvus kaip aktorius ir rašytojas.

Gimęs Paryžiuje, jis buvo kilęs iš Toskanos (per senelius iš tėvo pusės). Prieš tapdamas tapytoju 1870 m., jis domėjosi muzika ir teatru.