Rosa Geminata (1817 - 1824)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


Title: Rosa Geminata by Pierre Joseph RedoutéWe proudly present "Rosa Geminata," a masterful work of art by the renowned French painter Pierre Joseph Redouté, created between 1817 and 1824. Known as the "Raphael of flowers," Redouté was celebrated for his precise and graceful botanical illustrations, often commissioned by the French court.This painting exquisitely depicts the Rosa geminata, highlighting its delicate white blooms and rich green foliage. The main focus is a single open flower, radiating purity and simplicity with its pristine white petals and a vivid yellow center. Surrounding the central blossom are several buds at various stages of development, suggesting the cyclic and fleeting nature of beauty.The leaves, detailed with fine veins and subtle shades of green, cascade elegantly along the stem, which is adorned with small thorns, a reminder of the rose's defense against the outside world. The composition, characterized by its vertical orientation and the harmonious arrangement of elements, emphasizes the natural elegance and architectural structure of the plant.Redouté's skill in conveying not only the botanical accuracy but also the ethereal beauty of the rose makes "Rosa Geminata" a timeless piece, perfect for gracing the walls of those who appreciate nature's artistry. This painting remains a testament to Redouté's enduring legacy in the world of botanical art, capturing the essence and transient beauty of the roses he so loved to depict.


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Pierre'as-Josephas Redouté buvo tapytojas ir botanikas iš Belgijos, žinomas dėl savo rožių, lelijų ir kitų gėlių akvarelių, kurių daugelis buvo išleistos kaip didelės, spalvotos graviūros. Jis buvo pramintas „gėlių Rafaeliu“ ir buvo vadinamas didžiausiu visų laikų botanikos iliustruotoju.