Peasants Resting (1795)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


"Peasants Resting" by George Morland, created in 1795, is a charming depiction capturing a moment of tranquility in the daily lives of rural folk. The painting portrays two peasants taking a break beneath the expansive branches of a grand tree, which forms a natural canopy and dominates the composition. With deep, earthy tones and skillful shading, Morland illustrates the dense foliage and the soft, dappled light that filters through, casting gentle patterns on the figures and the ground.The scene is set in a serene landscape, hinted at by the sketchy rendering of distant fields and trees in the background. This backdrop emphasizes the peaceful seclusion of the resting spot. The figures, one sitting upright and the other reclining, are rendered with a soft realism that conveys a sense of weariness, perhaps after a hard day’s work. Their relaxed postures and the rustic setting create a nostalgic glimpse into the pastoral life of the 18th century.Through this artwork, Morland not only captures the beauty and tranquility of the English countryside but also portrays the humble simplicity and the unspoken bond of the peasantry with their natural surroundings. This piece is a serene meditation on rest and the timeless human connection to the land.


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George'as Morlandas (1763 m. birželio 26 d. - 1804 m. spalio 29 d.) buvo anglų dailininkas. Jo ankstyvajai kūrybai įtakos turėjo Francis Wheatley, tačiau po 1790-ųjų jis atėjo į savo stilių.