The Flight with the Holy Family at the Right (1750–1753)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


Title: "The Flight into Egypt" by Giovanni Domenico TiepoloDelicately executed in the refined etching style of the 18th century, Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo's "The Flight into Egypt" offers a poignant depiction of the Holy Family in a moment of transit and contemplation. Created between 1750 and 1753, this artwork captures Joseph leading a donkey that carries Mary and the infant Jesus, symbolizing their flight from Herod's decree. The flight into Egypt is a popular theme in Christian art, emphasizing themes of protection, faith, and providence.Tiepolo's composition masterfully balances movement and serenity, guiding the viewer's eye across various elements of the scene. To the right, an angel watches over the family, adding a divine assurance to their journey. The background features a pastoral landscape, complete with a shepherd and his flock under a sprawling tree, reinforcing the theme of guidance and watchfulness.The etching technique employed by Tiepolo allows for fine details and dramatic contrasts, highlighting the textures of the robes and the softness of the landscape. His work not only reflects the artistic traditions of his time but also serves as a visual meditation on the themes of care and divine oversight.This compelling piece invites viewers to reflect on the deeper meanings of faith and protection, offering a timeless narrative through exquisite craftsmanship. On display here, "The Flight into Egypt" continues to inspire and evoke admiration for its technical mastery and its moving portrayal of the Holy Family’s journey.


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Džovanis Domenikas Tiepolas – italų XVIII a. rokoko tapytojas ir grafikas. Jo stilius buvo labiau realistiškesnis ir mažiau alegorinis nei žymesnio tėvo Džovanio Batistos Tiepolo. Svarbiausiais Domeniko Tiepolo kūriniais įvardijamos kasdienio gyvenimo ir teatro scenos.