Kullervo Cursing (1899)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


"Kullervo Cursing" is a dramatic and evocative painting by the Finnish artist Akseli Gallen-Kallela, finished in 1899. This compelling work is steeped in the deep mysticism and rich folklore of Finland, resonating with raw emotional power and the poignant themes of the Kalevala, Finland's national epic.The painting captures a pivotal moment in the tragic life of Kullervo, a haunted and doomed hero of the Kalevala. Here, we see Kullervo, an imposing figure with flowing fair hair, arms raised and fists clinched in a gesture of despair and defiance. His expression is one of intense agony and rage, as if he’s cursing his fate and the gods themselves.Clad in simple, white linen cloth, Kullervo stands among a wild, entangled landscape that echoes his turmoil. The gnarled roots and stark, leafless branches encircling him create a chaotic and confined atmosphere, emphasizing his isolation and the curse that consumes him. At his feet, a loyal dog looks up, as if in sympathy or concern, adding an element of faithful companionship to the otherwise desolate scene.In the background, the Finnish wilderness with its pine trees and glimpses of a clear blue sky suggest a connection to nature that is both nurturing and indifferent. This juxtaposition serves as a powerful reminder of the human struggle against the unforgiving forces of destiny.Akseli Gallen-Kallela’s use of vivid colors and dynamic composition imbues the scene with a sense of imminent action, as though Kullervo’s curse is about to resonate through the forests and skies. "Kullervo Cursing" is not just a visual representation but an emotional journey into the heart of Finnish myth, capturing the essence of a nation’s spirit and the timeless struggles of its people.


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Akselis Galen-Kalela (1865 - 1931) – Suomijos tapytojas, grafikas, dizaineris, architektas. Vienas svarbiausių Europos Art Nouveau stiliaus ir simbolizmo atstovų, garsus suomių epo „Kalevala“ iliustracijomis. Laikomas vienu iškiliausių Suomijos dailininkų.