View over Windermere & Great Island

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


Joseph Farington’s exquisite watercolor, "View over Windermere & Great Island," captures a serene and expansive landscape that elegantly exemplifies the picturesque ideals of 18th-century British art. The painting renders a sweeping vista of Lake Windermere, the largest natural lake in England, situated in the picturesque Lake District.In the foreground, we see a rustic scene featuring two gentlemen, presumably engaged in a leisurely exploration, accompanied by their dogs. They are dwarfed by an aged tree and a dilapidated stone wall, elements that enhance the romantic feeling of a landscape touched by time. The scene opens up to a panoramic view that includes the calm waters of Lake Windermere, dotted with the verdant slopes of Great Island, creating a tranquil and inviting atmosphere.The middle ground of the painting is alive with soft, lush greenery and scattered homesteads that suggest human habitation in harmony with nature. The background is dominated by gently rolling hills, under a vast sky, rendered in soft hues that convey the time of day with a masterful subtlety.Farington's skilled use of light and shadow, combined with his meticulous attention to atmospheric detailing, invites the viewer into a peaceful coexistence with nature. The artwork not only offers aesthetic pleasure but also evokes a sense of tranquility and the timeless allure of the natural world, making it a captivating piece for any art enthusiast or admirer of the Lake District’s enduring beauty.


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Josephas Faringtonas RA buvo XVIII amžiaus anglų peizažistas ir dienoraštis.

Gimęs Leigh mieste, Lankašyre, Faringtonas buvo antrasis iš septynių Williamo Faringtono ir Esther Gilbody sūnų. Jo tėvas buvo Warringtono rektorius ir Leigh miesto vikaras. Trys jo broliai – Williamas, Henris ir Richardas – „dirbo Rytų Indijos kompanijos jūrų tarnyboje“. Edvardas mirė nuo geltonosios karštinės, kai jam buvo 32 metai. Robertas lankė Brasenose koledžą ir tapo Šv. Jurgio vikaru Rytuose, Londone. George'as Faringtonas tapo dailininku, kaip ir pats Džozefas.