Back! (1908)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


"Back!" by Samuel Ehrhart is a captivating painting from 1908, filled with symbolic and humorous elements that reflect the political sentiments of its time. Staged against a stark and tumultuously wavy ocean background, the artwork features a colorful assembly of characters dressed in medieval and slightly fantastical costumes.In the foreground, a kingly figure prominently stands, gesturing commandingly towards the sea where the waves curl to reveal the words "TARIFF REVISION." This element underlines the central theme of the painting — a critique or observation regarding tariff policies, which were a significant and contentious issue during the early 20th century in American politics.Surrounding the king-like character are various figures, some of whom are labeled with names such as "Aldrich" and "Cannon," possibly referencing political figures of the era who were involved in discussions about tariffs and economic policies. Their expressions range from contemplative to slightly apprehensive, suggesting a mix of emotions about the command to hold back changes to the tariff.Ehrhart, known for his satirical style, uses vivid colors, dynamic expressions, and distinct text integration to create not just a visual piece but a political commentary. This painting offers viewers not just aesthetic enjoyment but also a peek into the historical political discourse, wrapped in a layer of artistic creativity and humor. Whether you're a history buff or an art enthusiast, "Back!" provides much to ponder and appreciate.


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Amerikiečių karikatūristas ir iliustratorius, gimęs Pottsville mieste, Pensilvanijoje, Ehrhartas įgijo išsilavinimą Niujorko mokyklų sistemoje. Vėliau jis studijavo meną Miunchene. Jo darbai pasirodė žurnaluose „Harper's Monthly“ (1878–79), „Puckas“ (1880 ir 1888–1913) ir „Teisėjas“ (1887). Jis mirė Brukline, Niujorke, 1937 m. spalio 26 d.