Rosa Centifolia Crenata (1817 - 1824)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


Explore the delicate and precise beauty of "Rosa Centifolia Crenata," a masterful botanical illustration by Pierre Joseph Redouté, created between 1817 and 1824. Known for his detailed and radiant depictions of flowers, Redouté captures the sublime intricacy of the crenellated centifolia rose in this painting.The artwork features the central image of a fully bloomed pink rose, its petals softly unfurling amidst a background of verdant leaves and slender stems. Surrounding the bloom are various buds in differing stages of development, from just a hint of color peeking through to almost ready to open, emphasizing the natural cycle of growth and bloom in the life of a rose.The leaves, rendered in remarkable detail, display their jagged edges and rich textural veins, providing a lush contrast to the softness of the flower. The composition invites viewers to appreciate not only the ethereal beauty of the rose but also the meticulous skill with which Redouté has documented this specimen.This image, combining scientific accuracy with artistic elegance, offers a glimpse into Redouté’s passion for the botanical world and his unwavering commitment to detail. It is a celebration of nature’s artistry and a vivid example of the achievements in botanical illustration during the early 19th century.


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Pierre'as-Josephas Redouté buvo tapytojas ir botanikas iš Belgijos, žinomas dėl savo rožių, lelijų ir kitų gėlių akvarelių, kurių daugelis buvo išleistos kaip didelės, spalvotos graviūros. Jis buvo pramintas „gėlių Rafaeliu“ ir buvo vadinamas didžiausiu visų laikų botanikos iliustruotoju.