Asiatic furniture from the collection of Lord Curzon of Kedleston (1910 - 1911)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


Title: "Asiatic Furniture from the Collection of Lord Curzon of Kedleston"Welcome to a glimpse into the exquisite world of late 19th to early 20th century Asian craft through the painting "Asiatic Furniture from the Collection of Lord Curzon of Kedleston" by Edwin Foley, dated 1909. This painting offers an insightful look into the opulent furnishings that were a part of Lord Curzon's remarkable collection during his tenure as the Viceroy of India.The painting meticulously details an elaborate wooden shrine, augmented by detailed tile work and intricate carvings that depict traditional motifs and patterns. The shrine features a mesmerizingly detailed canopy crowned with multiple layers of ornamentation. Below, there lies a lavishly decorated cabinet, its panels adorned with vibrant inlays and colorful designs, primarily featuring floral and avian themes—typical of Asiatic artistic expressions.To the left of the shrine, Foley has included an ornate wooden chair, which itself is a piece of art, with its elaborate backrest and legs finely carved with curling designs. The chair is placed in such a way that it invites viewers to imagine sitting and absorbing the tranquility of an eastern aristocratic ambiance.On the right side of the work, a delicately sculpted statue of a seated dog—a guardian figure perhaps—complements the scene, reinforcing the cultural richness and the meticulous craftsmanship of Asiatic art.Edwin Foley's painting not only records the physical beauty of these objects but also captures the essence of an era where cross-cultural exchanges between Asia and Europe were peaking. It serves as a vibrant doorway to the past, letting us appreciate the blend of artistry and elegance that characterized the possessions of one of the most notable figures of the British Empire in India. This is a celebration of cultural heritage and artistic endeavor—a reminder of the splendors that decorate history.


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Edvinas Džonas Folijus (Edwin John Foley) autorius ir iliustratorius, išleidęs dviejų tomų knygą "The Book of Decorative Furniture", kurioje buvo šimtas spalvotų reprodukcijų ir tūkstantis tekstinių iliustracijų.