The Flight with Obelisk at the Left (1750–1753)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


"The Flight with Obelisk at the Left" is a captivating etching by the renowned Venetian artist Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo, created between 1750 and 1753. This piece is a striking example of Tiepolo’s skill in creating dynamic and engaging narratives within his works.The composition features a dramatic and hurried scene set against a sparse landscape dominated by an obelisk on the left, which adds a sense of ancient mystery and grandeur to the scene. The main focus is a group of figures in a state of urgent movement. At the center, we see a figure riding a donkey, draped in a flowing cloak, accompanied by another walking figure who seems to be urging the donkey forward. The urgency in their movement is mirrored by the group of angels in the sky above, dramatically swooping down, with one angel pointing forward, guiding or perhaps compelling the terrestrial travelers on their path.The etching intricately captures the textures of the wings, the rough terrain, and the fabric's folds, demonstrating Tiepolo's mastery over the etching medium. The artwork resonates with themes of guidance, protection, and perhaps an escape, inviting viewers to reflect on the deeper symbolic meanings behind the depicted flight.This piece not only showcases Tiepolo’s artistic prowess but also serves as a window into the cultural and symbolic preoccupations of 18th-century Venice, making it a compelling subject for both art enthusiasts and historians alike.


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Džovanis Domenikas Tiepolas – italų XVIII a. rokoko tapytojas ir grafikas. Jo stilius buvo labiau realistiškesnis ir mažiau alegorinis nei žymesnio tėvo Džovanio Batistos Tiepolo. Svarbiausiais Domeniko Tiepolo kūriniais įvardijamos kasdienio gyvenimo ir teatro scenos.