Holiday Reading (1916)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


Titled "Holiday Reading," this exquisite watercolor painting by Carl Larsson from 1916 captures the tranquil essence of leisure time during a calm, sunny day. Under the dappled light of a leafy tree, Larsson paints a serene scene featuring two figures absorbed in their books.On the right, a young boy, smartly dressed, is intently focused on his reading, paying no heed to his surroundings. Beside him sits a woman elegantly outfitted in period attire, including a broad hat adorned with dark plumage, which shields her eyes as she reads. Larsson’s deft use of light accentuates the contours of their faces, highlighting their peaceful engagement with their books.The scene is set at a garden table, covered with a vignette of a leisurely morning—post breakfast, perhaps—with remnants of a meal still laid out. The table is cluttered with a colorful array of dishes, including a lobster, fresh fruits, and afternoon tea essentials, suggesting a lingering over the pleasures of the meal and the moment. The gentle disorder of the table contrasts with the ordered beauty of the garden that sprawls in the background, rich with greens and punctuated with a gate leading into further depths.Larsson's masterful depiction not only reflects a snapshot of holiday leisure but also embodies the broader cultural appreciation for nature, tranquility, and the arts during the early 20th century in Sweden. The lush surroundings and detailed representation in "Holiday Reading" render it not just a visual delight but a narrative about the simplicity and joy found in the quieter moments of life.


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Karlas Larsonas (1853 m. gegužės 28 d. - 1919 m. sausio 22 d.) – Švedijos tapytojas, akvarelistas, interjero dizaineris bei Menų ir Amatų judėjimo narys.