Ver Sacrum 1903 15 271 Wohnhäuser auf der Hohen Warte

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


Title: "Wohnhäuser auf der Hohen Warte" by Carl MollExplore the serene elegance captured in "Wohnhäuser auf der Hohen Warte," a masterful original woodcut by the artist Carl Moll, created in 1903, as part of the Ver Sacrum magazine. This artwork transports viewers to a tranquil scene of residential life on the Hohen Warte, a prestigious area known for its distinct, beautiful homes in Vienna.The composition of the woodcut is intricate and detailed, emphasizing architectural beauty through the strong, clear lines and contrasting dark and light shades. It depicts a quiet street lined with houses boasting elegant facades, large windows, and leafy trees that appear to whisper stories of a genteel lifestyle. The cobbled pathway invites one into the scene, while the detailed textures of the trees and buildings create a lively interplay of shadow and light.Carl Moll, known for his role in the Vienna Secession movement, showcases his talent for capturing depth and texture, making this piece not only a depiction of a place but also a reflection of the aesthetic currents of early 20th century Vienna. This artwork is not just visually appealing but also historically significant, offering a glimpse into the urban and cultural fabric of the period.This serene depiction is perfect for those who appreciate fine art that illustrates not just a location but an atmosphere, embodying the tranquil yet sophisticated life of Vienna's residential districts in the early 1900s.


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Carlas Juliusas Rudolfas Molas (1861 m. balandžio 23 d. - 1945 m. balandžio 13 d.) buvo austrų Art Nouveau tapytojas. Jis buvo vienas iš Vienos secesijos menininkų, įkvėpimo sėmęsis prancūzų impresionistų puantilistinių technikų. 

Giclée kokybės spauda

50x34 cm

145,00 €