Muguet (1896)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


Explore the gentle elegance of "Muguet" (1896) by the accomplished artist Maurice Pillard Verneuil. In this art nouveau piece, the grace and symmetry of nature are finely captured through the delicate portrayal of the lily of the valley plant, or muguet as known in French.This painting intricately details the entire life cycle of the flora, showcasing its slender leaves, tender blooms, and even the individual flower petals in a studious yet beautiful manner. Verneuil’s meticulous attention to detail is evident in the shades of green and the soft white of the bell-shaped flowers that gracefully droop down, tethered to thin, arching stems.The composition is not only scientific in its accuracy but also poetic, conveying a sense of tranquility and reverence for nature. The structural layout of the painting, with its varieties of the plant’s parts thoughtfully arranged, makes it both an artistic and botanical study."Muguet", with its serene palette and lifelike presentation, invites viewers to pause and appreciate the quiet beauty of the natural world, echoing the art nouveau movement's fascination with the curves and motifs of natural forms. Perfect for a calm oasis in any space, this painting is a celebration of the simple purity that nature holds.


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Pinigai už siuntimą nėra grąžinami.

Maurice'as Pillardas Verneuil'as buvo prancūzų menininkas ir dekoratorius Art nouveau judėjime. Jis gimė Saint-Quentin mieste, Prancūzijoje. Maurice'as Pillardas Verneuil savo amato išmoko iš šveicarų dizainerio Eugène'o Grasseto. Tada Maurice'as Pillardas Verneuil'as tapo žinomu menininku ir dizaineriu. Jį įkvėpė japonų menas ir gamta, ypač jūra. Jis žinomas dėl savo indėlio į art deco judėjimą ir ypač dėl to, kad keraminėse plytelėse, tapetuose ir kituose baldų tekstilės gaminiuose naudojo drąsius gėlių piešinius.