On the Thames (1860)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


**Exploring "On the Thames" by David Roberts (1860)**David Roberts' sketch "On the Thames" from 1860 captures a vibrant and intricate view of Victorian London's famous river. Made primarily in pencil, this piece partakes in a rather loose and immediate style, indicative of a quick on-site sketch rather than a detailed studio work. Roberts' ability to convey bustling river life and architectural structure with mere strokes and lines showcases his prowess as a master of his craft.The scene is a picturesque snapshot of the Thames, featuring moored sailing boats gently bobbing on the water, possibly hinting at the livelihoods connected to the river. Flanking the river are buildings that speak of the era's architectural style; prominent among them are signs reading "Charity Wharf" and "The King's Arms," suggesting the commercial and social spaces of the time. The tower with the inscription "Iron Wharf" on the right side of the sketch also emphasizes the industrial activity that was prevalent along the river.This drawing, with its quick, expressive lines and attention to everyday detail, immerses the viewer in the dynamism and spirit of the Thames' riverside landscape. Each pencil mark by Roberts not only defines the physical space but also evokes the atmospheric and bustling energy of London during the mid-19th century. "On the Thames" stands as a compelling historical document, as well as a piece of art, offering a glimpse into the past through the eyes of a remarkable observer.


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Davidas Robertsas (1796 m. spalio 24 d. - 1864 m. lapkričio 25 d.) - škotų tapytojas. Jis ypač žinomas dėl "Šventosios žemės, Sirijos, Idumėjos, Arabijos, Egipto ir Nubijos" - gausios išsamių Egipto ir Artimųjų Rytų litografinių atspaudų serijos, kurią jis sukūrė iš eskizų, sukurtų per ilgas keliones po šį regioną (1838-1840 m.). Dėl šių ir didelių aliejiniais dažais tapytų paveikslų panašiomis temomis jis tapo žymiu dailininku orientalistu. 1841 m. jis buvo išrinktas Karališkosios akademijos nariu.