Lateral view of the temple called the Typhonæum, at Dendera [Dandara]. (1846-1849)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
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**Explore the Mystique of Ancient Egypt Through David Roberts' Eye: "Lateral view of the temple called the Typhonæum, at Dendera"**David Roberts' exquisite lithograph titled "Lateral view of the temple called the Typhonæum, at Dendera," created between 1846 and 1849, presents a rare and captivating glimpse into the architectural grandeur of ancient Egypt. This artwork is a masterful representation of the Dendera complex, particularly focusing on what is often referred to as the Temple of Hathor.The painting showcases the temple from a side perspective, revealing its sturdy columns and the extensive hieroglyphic embellishments that suggest narratives of divine encounters and pharaonic rituals. The faded yet imposing walls tell tales of time's passage, standing resilient amidst the desert landscape. Roberts’ skilled use of light and shadow not only enhances the structural details but also evokes a sense of enduring sanctity and awe.In the foreground, scattered fragments of columns and stone blocks hint at the archaeological richness of the site, suggesting both decay and the enduring legacy of the builders. The figures included in the scene—tiny in comparison to the monumental architecture—serve to emphasize the scale and grandeur of the temple ruins.This lithograph not only serves as a historical document but also as a testament to David Roberts' artistic prowess and his commitment to conveying the spirit and scale of Egypt’s ancient monuments. Roberts, known for his detailed and atmospheric landscapes, extends an invitation through his work to delve into the mystic allure of Egypt's epic past, making this painting a treasured piece for both art enthusiasts and historians alike.


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Davidas Robertsas (1796 m. spalio 24 d. - 1864 m. lapkričio 25 d.) - škotų tapytojas. Jis ypač žinomas dėl "Šventosios žemės, Sirijos, Idumėjos, Arabijos, Egipto ir Nubijos" - gausios išsamių Egipto ir Artimųjų Rytų litografinių atspaudų serijos, kurią jis sukūrė iš eskizų, sukurtų per ilgas keliones po šį regioną (1838-1840 m.). Dėl šių ir didelių aliejiniais dažais tapytų paveikslų panašiomis temomis jis tapo žymiu dailininku orientalistu. 1841 m. jis buvo išrinktas Karališkosios akademijos nariu.