Battle of Grunwald (1878)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


Title: Battle of Grunwald by Jan MatejkoThe painting "Battle of Grunwald" by Jan Matejko is a monumental depiction of one of the most significant battles in Polish-Lithuanian history, fought on July 15, 1410. This masterpiece, created in 1878, serves not only as a work of art but also as a cultural symbol, evoking strong feelings of national pride and historical consciousness.The Battle of Grunwald saw the allied forces of the Polish Kingdom and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania clash against the Teutonic Knights, resulting in a decisive victory for the allies. Matejko’s painting captures the fierce intensity and tumultuous energy of the battlefield with a vivid realism that immerses the viewer into the chaotic heart of combat.In the foreground, the artist highlights key figures and moments of the battle. Central to the composition is the Grand Master of the Teutonic Knights, Ulrich von Jungingen, depicted as fallen, symbolizing the defeat of the Teutonic order. Surrounding him are various knights and soldiers in intense combat, with expressions of ferocity, agony, and valor, representing different states of struggle and triumph.The background is filled with billowing smoke and the sprawling armies, emphasizing the scale of the conflict. The use of dynamic poses and the detailed rendering of armor and banners contribute to the dramatic effect, making the historical event come alive. Color is used strategically, with the bright reds and whites of the Polish and Lithuanian banners standing out against the darker tones of the battlefield, drawing the viewer's eye across the canvas."Battle of Grunwald" is not just a depiction of a historical event; it is an homage to heroism and a reflection on the nature of conflict and valor. Jan Matejko's ability to convey intense emotion and narrative depth makes this painting an invaluable treasure of Polish cultural heritage.


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Janas Alojzy Matejko buvo lenkų tapytojas, žymus XIX amžiaus istorijos tapybos atstovas, žinomas dėl Lenkijos istorijos esminių įvykių vaizdavimo. Jo darbai apima didelio masto aliejinius paveikslus, tokius kaip Rejtan (1866), Liublino unija (1869), Astronomas Kopernikas arba Pokalbiai su Dievu (1873) bei Žalgirio mūšis (1878). Jis buvo daugybės portretų, knygų pavidalo Lenkijos monarchų galerijos ir freskų Krokuvos Šv. Marijos bazilikoje autorius. Daugelis jį laiko žymiausiu lenkų tapytoju, o kartais ir Lenkijos „nacionaliniu tapytoju“.