Cushion of an Armchair (1886-1889)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


We invite you to explore the subtlety and finesse of Paul Cézanne’s sketch "Cushion of an Armchair," crafted between 1886 and 1889. This drawing provides a unique glimpse into Cézanne’s artistic process, showcasing his ability to capture the essence of his subjects with minimalist strokes.In this sketch, Cézanne renders the elegant form of an armchair’s cushion with flowing, confident lines. The focus is primarily on the cushion’s spiraling design, which beautifully illustrates the swirl of fabric typically found in the ornate furnishings of the period. The artist uses varying intensities of graphite to create depth and movement, offering a sense of the cushion's plush and tactile quality."Cushion of an Armchair" is not just a study of an object but also a testament to Cézanne’s interest in the interplay of light and shadow, as well as his exploration of different textures. The sketch’s simplicity does not take away from its complexity; instead, it invites the viewer to appreciate the everyday elegance and the quiet beauty found in the seemingly mundane.This piece serves as an exquisite example of how Paul Cézanne saw and interpreted the world around him, making it a valuable addition to any collection of his works. It encourages viewers to look closer and find the artistry hidden in everyday objects.


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Paul Cézanne buvo prancūzų menininkas ir postimpresionistų tapytojas, kurio darbai padėjo pagrindus perėjimui nuo XIX a. meninės pastangos koncepcijos prie naujo ir radikaliai skirtingo meno pasaulio XX amžiuje.