Ensayos. (Trials.) (1796-1797)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
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"Ensayos" (Trials) is a captivating etching by Francisco de Goya, created between 1796 and 1797. This piece is one of the striking outputs from his prolific period which marks his exploration into human behavior and societal critiques through powerful visuals. In this etching, Goya presents a gripping narrative depicted through his skilled use of dark and light contrasts, foregrounding a macabre, almost theatrical scene.At the heart of "Ensayos", two central figures, seemingly tangled in a physical and perhaps symbolic struggle, stand out. These human figures, one attempting to subdue or overpower the other, evoke a sense of raw human emotion and elemental conflict. The background prominently features the regal yet eerie form of a goat, perhaps serving as an allegorical or mythical observer to the human drama unfolding before it. Beneath this central act, Goya places a dog and a pail, alongside scattered bones on the ground, intensifying the scene's dark undertones. The imagery hints at underlying themes of barbarity, cruelty and perhaps the baser human instincts, evoked further by the stark lines and detailed textures he meticulously carved into the plate.This artwork is an excellent example of Goya's ability to use the medium of printmaking to explore and comment on the human condition, making "Ensayos" a profound study of trial, conflict, and survival within a symbolic framework that provokes contemplation in the viewer. By blending the real with the surreal, Goya not only captures the viewer's attention but also encourages deeper reflection on the darker aspects of human nature and society.


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Franciskas Goja (1746 m. kovo 30 d. - 1828 m. balandžio 16 d.) – garsus ispanų dailininkas ir grafikas. Jis laikomas paskutiniu iš senųjų klasikinių dailininkų ir pirmuoju iš naujųjų laikų. Goja buvo oficialus Ispanijos karališkosios šeimos portretų tapytojas. Didžiausia ir reikšmingiausia dailininko darbų kolekcija yra saugoma Prado muziejuje Madride.