Study for ‘The Bear Hunt’ (for the Alcázar, Madrid) (c. 1639)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


Welcome to our exhibition on the dynamic works of Peter Paul Rubens, a towering figure of the Baroque art movement. Among the highlights is the captivating study piece, "Study for ‘The Bear Hunt’ (for the Alcázar, Madrid)", created around 1639. This painting serves as a preparatory work for a larger commission intended for the Royal Alcázar of Madrid, showcasing Rubens’ masterful handling of action scenes laden with dramatic intensity.In this vibrant study, Rubens depicts a ferocious battle between humans and nature. The central scene is dominated by a large bear, fiercely defending itself against a group of hunters and their dogs. To the left, a mounted huntsman, clad in rich, blue attire and wielding a spear, charges towards the bear, exemplifying the human struggle against wild forces. The tumultuous motion is further enhanced by the rearing horse which seems to echo the savage energy of the bear.Accompanying the horseman, several figures on foot and on horseback are involved in the chase, each rendered with swift, energetic brushstrokes that convey movement and chaos. The frenzied dogs add to the melee, attacking the bear with as much vigor as their human counterparts. The background, though minimal, suggests a wild, untamed landscape, an appropriate setting for such a wild confrontation.Rubens’ use of quick, fluid sketches in this study not only highlights his skill in depicting motion but also serves as a window into his creative process, where every stroke captures an aspect of the dramatic and the sublime. This piece provides viewers with a rare glimpse of the artist’s preliminary thoughts and adjustments before the final execution, offering an invaluable look at the genesis of a Baroque masterpiece focused on the primal and the majestic.


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Seras Peteris Paulas Rubensas buvo flamandų menininkas ir diplomatas iš Brabanto kunigaikštystės Pietų Nyderlanduose (šiuolaikinėje Belgijoje). Jis laikomas įtakingiausiu flamandų baroko tradicijos menininku. Itin įtemptos Rubenso kompozicijos atspindi eruditiškus klasikinės ir krikščioniškos istorijos aspektus. Jo unikalus ir nepaprastai populiarus baroko stilius pabrėžė judesį, spalvas ir jausmingumą, kuris sekė betarpišką, dramatišką meninį stilių, propaguotą kontrreformacijos metu. Rubensas buvo tapytojas, kūręs altorių, portretų, peizažų ir istorijos paveikslus mitologinėmis ir alegorinėmis temomis. Jis taip pat buvo produktyvus flamandų gobelenų dirbtuvių karikatūrų ir Antverpeno leidyklų fasonų dizaineris.