Self-Portrait with White Collar (c. 1857)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


Welcome to an intimate glimpse into the world of Edgar Degas through his evocative artwork, "Self-Portrait with White Collar," created around 1857. This compelling painting offers a close look at the young artist, capturing the introspective and somewhat melancholic essence of Degas at an early stage in his career.In this portrait, Degas employs a subdued palette, primarily using earthy tones that enhance the depth of his gaze and the seriousness of his expression. His eyes, dark and penetrating, seem to look beyond the canvas, reflecting perhaps the depth of his thoughts or the burdens of his artistic pursuits. The white collar, sharply contrasting with the darker shades of his jacket and the background, draws attention directly to his face, emphasizing his somber and contemplative mood.Degas's technique in this self-portrait is masterful; the brushstrokes on his face blend smoothly, giving his skin a soft texture that conveys a sense of realism. The lighting focuses on his face, particularly illuminating his eyes and the forehead, which adds to the dramatic and emotional impact of the painting.This self-portrait not only showcases Degas’s skill as a painter but also provides a window into his soul, offering viewers a personal encounter with the artist as a young man. It's a magnificent example of how art can be a profound medium for personal expression and introspection.


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Edgar Degas buvo prancūzų impresionistas, garsėjęs piešiniais ir aliejiniais paveikslais. Degas taip pat gamino bronzines skulptūras, spaudinius ir piešinius. Autoriaus kūriniams būdinga šokio tema, daugiau nei pusėje jo darbų vaizduojami šokėjai.