Selbstporträt (1913)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


"Selbstporträt" (1913) by Egon Schiele is a striking example of the artist’s mastery in capturing the intensity and psychological depth of the human condition through minimalistic means. This self-portrait, rendered in delicate yet confident lines, embodies Schiele's unique ability to convey complex emotions with just a few strokes of his drawing instrument.In this work, the figure of Schiele is delineated with an economy of line that emphasizes his expressive facial features and dynamic pose. His gaze seems introspective and slightly troubled, a common theme in Schiele's self-portraits which often explored his own identity and emotions. The angular lines and the slight contortion of the body further intensify the sense of emotional and physical tension.This self-portrait not only showcases Schiele’s distinctive style but also his profound introspection and unfiltered approach to self-representation. It beckons viewers to delve into the psychological landscape of an artist who continually challenged the boundaries of traditional portraiture.


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XX a. pr. austrų tapytojas, piešėjas, grafikas. Ekspresionizmo meno srovės atstovas. Jo kūryba pasižymi intensyvumu ir neapdorotu seksualumu. Menininkas yra sukūręs daugyvę autoportretų.