Klänge Pl.18 (1913)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


This painting, titled "Klänge Pl.18," by Wassily Kandinsky, crafted in 1913, features an exploration of abstract forms and contrasting tones that evoke a sense of rhythm and visual movement, characteristic of Kandinsky's experimental style during this period. The image is rendered primarily in black on a cream-colored background, using bold, disjointed shapes interconnected to form a dynamic composition.The arrangement of shapes and the stark contrast might suggest the interaction of sound and visual art, which Kandinsky deeply believed in. He was interested in the idea of synesthesia, a sensory cross-over where, for instance, sounds evoke visuals. This way, the scattered forms, varying in size and openness, might be interpreted as visual representations of musical sounds or vibrations.Elements in the painting are at once both distinct and overlapping, creating a layered effect that pulls the eye from one segment to another, much like a melody might lead a listener through a musical piece. The abstract nature of these forms leave much to personal interpretation, inviting the viewer to engage imaginatively with what might be depicted, ranging from elements of nature to abstracted symbols.Overall, the piece is reflective of Kandinsky’s move towards complete abstraction and his belief in the emotional and expressive power of color, shape, and line independent from the natural world.


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Wassily Kandinsky buvo rusų tapytojas ir meno teoretikas. Kandinsky paprastai laikomas abstraktaus meno pradininku. Maskvoje gimęs vaikystę praleido Odesoje, kur baigė Grekovo Odesos meno mokyklą. Įstojo į Maskvos universitetą, studijavo teisę ir ekonomiką. Sėkmingai dirbdamas pagal profesiją jis gavo pasiūlymą dėstyti "Dorpat" universitete (šiandien Tartu, Estija). Kandinsky pradėjo dėstyti tapybos studijas (gyvas piešimas, eskizai ir anatomija) būdamas 30 metų.