First Steps, after Millet (1890)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


"First Steps, after Millet" by Vincent van Gogh is a vibrant and endearing painting, depicting a touching scene of early childhood. Painted in 1890, this work is based on a theme originally explored by the French artist Jean-François Millet. Van Gogh's interpretation is filled with his characteristic bold and expressive brushwork, and a vivid palette that brings the scene to life.In the painting, we see a rural setting with a lush, green landscape filled with trees and foliage. The setting is serene and filled with natural light, suggesting a late afternoon with shadows that enrich the texture of the surface.The focal point of the piece is a young child, just beginning to take their first tentative steps. The child, clad in a long dress typical of the period, reaches out towards a man, presumably the father, who kneels with outstretched arms ready to catch the child if needed. His posture is one of encouragement and readiness, reflecting a universal moment of parental support during a significant milestone in a child's life.To the right, a woman, likely the mother, bends forward slightly as she gently lets go of the child's hands, guiding and supporting this moment of independence.


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Vincentas van Gogas (1853-1890) - olandų tapytojas, šiuolaikinės, moderniosios tapybos pradininkas. Van Gogui teko ilgas vargingas gyvenimas, kurį jis stengėsi praskaidrinti savo paveikslais. Pradžioje tamsiomis spalvomis tapė skurdaus valstiečių gyvenimo vaizdus. Vėliau, gyvendamas Prancūzijoje, jis surado naują stilių. Spalvos pasodrėjo, nušvito.