Sneeze Weed

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


This lovely painting by Hannah Borger Overbeck depicts a collection of sneeze weed flowers, known scientifically as Helenium. The botanical style of the painting captures the natural beauty and intricate details of the plant. We can see multiple flowers in various stages of bloom, from full blossoms to emerging buds. The flowers are characterized by their fringed yellow petals surrounding a prominent, rounded central disc, which is typical of the sneeze weed.The leaves and stems are elegantly elongated, displaying a natural realism with a delicate delineation of veins and edges. The color palette is quite restrained, primarily using shades of yellow and green, which emphasizes the naturalistic theme and gives the artwork a serene, harmonious feel. The background is plain, which draws attention to the fine lines and detailed portrayal of the sneeze weed plant itself.Overbeck's signature and the title of the painting, "Sneeze Weed," are subtly included in the lower right corner on a small tag, integrating her identification with the artwork in an unobtrusive way. This painting not only celebrates the beauty of a specific plant but beautifully showcases Overbeck’s skill in botanical illustration, revealing her keen eye for detail and her appreciation for nature’s subtle aesthetics.


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Hannah Borger Overbeck (1870-1931) buvo amerikiečių menininkė ir iliustratorė. Kartu su keturiomis seserimis ji įkūrė „Overbeck Pottery“ Kembridžo mieste, Indianoje. Ji buvo žinoma dėl savo akvarelių ir eskizų bei buvo atsakinga už keramikos dekoratyvinius dizainus. Pagrindinė jos tema buvo gamta su nuostabiomis gėlėmis ir botaniniais piešiniais.