The Tomb Of Tristram And Iseult

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


The painting "The Tomb of Tristram and Iseult" by Edward Burne-Jones depicts a poignant and romantic scene inspired by the legendary story of Tristram and Iseult, a tale of tragic love often associated with Arthurian legend. In this detailed and expressive work, we observe several key elements that evoke the depth and tragedy of the story.At the center of the composition, the figures of Tristram and Iseult lie together peacefully in death, depicted on a boat which serves as their shared tomb. This is symbolic of their final journey together, despite their tumultuous lives marked by love, betrayal, and heartache. The figures are draped elegantly with Iseult holding what appears to be a book or a bundle close to her chest, suggesting a clinging to love or memories.Above them, lush foliage, possibly representing the eternal growth and the intertwining of their fates, envelops the scene. The branches seem to both protect and imprison them, signifying both the shelter of their love and its confinement by societal constraints.Below the central image, there are two loyal greyhounds, which could symbolize fidelity and mourning. Their alert posture and faithful presence at the tomb signify the enduring loyalty and sorrow that accompanies the tale of their owners.The background shows a series of Gothic arches with figures within them.


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Seras Edwardas Burne-Jonesas (1833-1898) buvo britų dizaineris ir Viktorijos laikų tapytojas. Jis gimė Birmingeme paveikslų rėmintojo šeimoje. Jis ketino tapti ministru ir studijavo teologiją Oksforde. Tačiau jo gyvenimas pasisuko kita linkme, kai susipažino su Williamu Morrisu. Kartu jie subūrė Broliją – draugiją, garbinančią viduramžių poetus ir architektūrą. Jie abu kartu dirbo keliuose Morris & Co projektuose. Burne-Jones kompanijai sukūrė gobelenus, papuošalus, skulptūras, keramiką, baldus ir vitražus. Jo meno kūriniai tikrai užfiksavo XIX amžiaus ir meno bei amatų judėjimo dvasią. Pastaraisiais dešimtmečiais jo menas atgimsta ir tapo vienu brangiausių aukcione parduodamų meno kūrinių.