Study For Mirror Of Venus: Arms And Feet Of Venus

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


The artwork titled "Study for Mirror of Venus: Arms and Feet of Venus" by Edward Burne-Jones displays meticulous pencil sketches focusing on anatomical details of limbs. The composition is arranged to exhibit two sets of limbs - one pair of feet resting on what appears to be a support like a stool or a plinth, and two hands in a graceful, relaxed pose.The feet are positioned side by side, with toes slightly curled, capturing a very natural, relaxed state. The detailed rendering allows viewers to see every contour and line of the feet, emphasizing the skill of the artist in depicting human anatomy.On the right side of the drawing, two hands are shown with one gently touching the other. This gesture adds a soft, delicate quality to the sketch, perhaps hinting at the elegance and gentility often associated with Venus, the goddess of love and beauty. The hands are positioned so that one appears to be reaching gently towards the other, further suggesting delicacy and grace.Overall, this piece exemplifies Burne-Jones' proficiency in draftsmanship and his attention to detail, traits that are characteristic of his work within the Pre-Raphaelite movement. The study serves as a preparatory work, likely meant to fine-tune the details of a larger, more elaborate composition. These sketches not only showcase anatomical accuracy but also convey a sense of beauty and calmness, aligning with the romantic and idealized representations of classical figures typical in Burne-Jones’ art.


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Seras Edwardas Burne-Jonesas (1833-1898) buvo britų dizaineris ir Viktorijos laikų tapytojas. Jis gimė Birmingeme paveikslų rėmintojo šeimoje. Jis ketino tapti ministru ir studijavo teologiją Oksforde. Tačiau jo gyvenimas pasisuko kita linkme, kai susipažino su Williamu Morrisu. Kartu jie subūrė Broliją – draugiją, garbinančią viduramžių poetus ir architektūrą. Jie abu kartu dirbo keliuose Morris & Co projektuose. Burne-Jones kompanijai sukūrė gobelenus, papuošalus, skulptūras, keramiką, baldus ir vitražus. Jo meno kūriniai tikrai užfiksavo XIX amžiaus ir meno bei amatų judėjimo dvasią. Pastaraisiais dešimtmečiais jo menas atgimsta ir tapo vienu brangiausių aukcione parduodamų meno kūrinių.