Wilson Bentley'S Snowflake 10

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


This image shows a highly detailed and geometric illustration of a snowflake, created by Wilson Bentley, who was famous for his pioneering work in photographing snowflakes in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Bentley's technique involved catching snowflakes on black velvet before they melted and photographing them using a microscope equipped with a camera.The snowflake in this particular image, titled "Wilson Bentley's Snowflake 10," is strikingly symmetrical and features intricate patterns. The central motif is a hexagonal star-shaped figure, surrounded by an array of ornate designs that include various wavy and straight lines emanating outward from the center. Each arm of the snowflake displays similar patterns, demonstrating the natural symmetry in snowflake formation.The image is presented on a hexagonal background that further emphasizes the snowflake's natural geometry. The medium appears to be a high-contrast monochromatic photograph, typical of Bentley's work, which makes the delicate and transient form of the snowflake permanently visible and appreciated in its full complexity. The backdrop is a dark texture that contrasts starkly with the bright, delicate detailing of the snowflake itself, ensuring that every minute detail is visible. This piece serves as both a scientific record and a work of art, capturing the unique beauty of a single snowflake—an embodiment of ephemeral natural art that Bentley was so passionate about documenting.


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Wilsonas Alwynas Bentley (1865–1931) buvo snaigių fotomikrografijos pradininkas.  Vaikystėje jį sužavėjo gamtos pasaulis, o sulaukęs 19 metų jis pirmasis sėkmingai užfiksavo snaigės fotografiją plunksnos, mikroskopo ir fotoaparato pagalba. Bentley per savo karjerą nufotografavo tūkstančius atskirų sniego kristalų, kurių keletą rasite šioje kolekcijoje. W. A. Bentley įrodė snaigių išskirtinumą ir nevienodumą, pripažįstamą ir šiandien.