
Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


This artwork by Gerrit Willem Dijsselhof, titled "Cityscape" (Stadsgezicht), captures a vibrant and bustling city scene, rich with detail and teeming with life. The painting portrays a busy street in what appears to be a historic European city. The architecture is distinctive, with row houses featuring large, elaborately detailed windows and high gables typical of Dutch or Northern European design.The artist has filled the scene with a multitude of characters, suggesting a day filled with activity and social interaction. On the left side, people are seen engaging in various forms of commerce and conversation. For example, there are women talking to each other and men engaged in trade or discussion. In the center, a shop displays its wares outside, attracting customers. Above, laundry hangs from a window, drying in the open air.The right side of the artwork continues this theme of bustling urban life. People of various ages fill the street, including children playing, adults walking or conversing, and even a dog or two wandering around. The street stretches back into the distance, leading the eye towards more buildings and suggesting the continuity of city life beyond the immediate scene.Adding to the liveliness, the artist uses subtle splashes of color to distinguish different elements—like the reds of the women's attire or the browns of the building—and uses these hues to create depth and interest.


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Pinigai už siuntimą nėra grąžinami.

Gerrit Willem Dijsselhof (1866-1924) buvo olandų tapytojas ir menininkas iš Menų ir amatų judėjimo, kuris turėjo didelę reikšmę Nyderlandų Art Nouveau srityje. Jis buvo vienas iš asociacijos „Labor et Aartes“ steigėjų kartu su kitais Hagos dailės akademijos studentais. Dijsselhofas buvo visapusiškas menininkas, kūręs baldus, knygų įrišimus, tekstilę, siuvinėjimo raštus ir kt. Jį įkvėpė didieji judėjimo menininkai, tokie kaip Williamas Morrisas ir Walteris Crane'as.