Still Life (1935-1937)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


Title: "Still Life" (1935-1937) by Sasza BlonderSasza Blonder's "Still Life" is a vibrant composition that exemplifies the artist’s bold approach to color and form. Created between 1935 and 1937, this painting features a rich array of everyday objects arranged on a table, depicted with dynamic, almost tactile brushwork.The artwork is dominated by a central composition of a bowl brimming with fruit, possibly peaches or apples, which are rendered in shades of red-orange, casting warm hues across the canvas. Adjacent to the bowl, a lively patterned basket draws the eye with its intricate design and deep tones, nestling what appears to be loaves of bread. These elements are flanked by other rustic containers in muted greens and blues, contributing to the earthy palette of the painting.Blonder's technique involves thick, confident strokes that add depth and movement, giving the still life a pulsating energy typically absent in such compositions. The background, featuring a simple geometric interpretation of a window, allows the vivid colors of the foreground to stand out, emphasizing the interaction between natural light and the objects.Through this painting, Blonder invites the viewer to appreciate the beauty in the mundane, transforming a simple tabletop scene into a feast for the eyes. Its compelling execution makes "Still Life" not just a visual exploration of objects, but a testament to the artist's mastery in manipulating form and color to capture the essence of life’s simple pleasures.


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Aleksandras (Sasza) Blonderis buvo žydų kilmės lenkų dailininkas.

Pirmą kartą į Paryžių išvyko 1926 m. 1930–1932 m. studijavo architektūrą École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts Paryžiuje, o 1932–1936 m. studijavo tapybą Krokuvos dailės akademijoje pas Teodorą Axentowiczių, Władysławą Jarocki. ir Fryderyk Pautsch.