Stillleben (Still Life With Flowers) (1933)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


Title: "Stillleben (Still Life with Flowers)" - A Glimpse into Jawlensky’s World of Color"Stillleben (Still Life with Flowers)," painted by Alexej von Jawlensky in 1933, exudes a vibrancy and depth that captures the viewer's attention. Jawlensky, known for his expressionistic use of color and form, presents a simple yet striking composition that is both powerful and emotive.In the painting, a collection of bold, red flowers bursts from a glass vase that sits prominently on a subdued, earth-toned surface. The flowers, with petals that seem to dance and flicker like flames, vary in shades from deep red to brighter orange-yellow, exhibiting Jawlensky’s masterful gradient work. Despite their powerful hues, there is a softness to the flowers conveyed through the expressive, somewhat blurred brush strokes, adding a dreamlike quality to the scene.The background is rendered in muted tones of pink and gray, subtly layered and textured, creating a serene backdrop that allows the flowers to dominate the visual space. Just above the horizon of the table, a small, abstract form in blue adds a hint of enigmatic charm, perhaps suggesting a reflection or a distant object, enhancing the overall mystery and depth of the tableau.This painting is a testament to Jawlensky’s ability to transform a traditional subject into a display of emotional potency and visual experimentation, making "Stillleben (Still Life with Flowers)" a captivating piece for both art lovers and casual viewers alike. The use of color not only emphasizes the vibrancy of the natural world but also evokes the artist’s deep internal reflections on beauty and expression. This piece invites viewers to pause and immerse themselves in the warm, dynamic energy of Jawlensky’s floral arrangement.


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Aleksejus fon Javlenskis (1864 - 1941) – XX a. pirmos pusės rusų tapytojas ekspresionistas, kūręs Vokietijoje.