Busas Lapatusas

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


Title: **Exploring 'Bus Lapatus' by Martynas Ivinskas**In the vibrant and dynamic painting titled 'Bus Lapatus', artist Martynas Ivinskas presents a vivid exploration of urban movement and mechanized life. This captivating piece features an abstract representation of buses, with shapes merging into each other, overlaid with a riot of colors that seems to pulse with energy.The artwork is delineated with bold, fluid lines that carve out the forms of two buses, giving them a sense of motion and life. The colors are bright and layered, communicating a sense of chaotic beauty that one might experience in a bustling city environment. Red, green, blue, and yellow dominate the palette, with splashes of other hues intermixed, creating a complex background that suggests the noise and vibrancy of urban landscapes.Ivinskas uses texture and contrast effectively, with areas of dense color alongside more muted sections, possibly suggesting reflections or shadows. This technique adds depth and interest, drawing the viewer's eye across and through the painting. Elements akin to graffiti on the bus add a playful, almost whimsical quality, while abstract patterns in the background might symbolize the interconnected routes and the rhythm of city life.Noteworthy is the small, detailed depiction of a swan in front of the buses. This figure introduces a contrast between the natural and the mechanical, perhaps hinting at the intersection of urban development and nature.Overall, 'Bus Lapatus' by Martynas Ivinskas isn't just a representation of city transport but an emotive interpretation of urban existence. This painting would undoubtedly be a conversation starter, perfect for sparking discussions about art's role in reflecting societal pace and structure. We invite viewers to delve into this compelling visual journey, exploring the depths of its colors and forms.


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Pinigai už siuntimą nėra grąžinami.

"Martynas Ivinskas pernelyg nesijaudina nei dl formos, nei dl priemoni. Šis menininkas – visiškai laisvas – savj tikrov dažniausiai vaizdina ir daiktina tiesiog tuo, k t akimirk turi po ranka. Šitaip ant kavos maiš džiuto gimsta tapybiškos figros, o ant vairiausi žemlapi – žmons ir muzikos instrumentai, kurie savaip atkartoja, artikuliuoja ir išryškina tik jam vienam matomas linijas, miest vektorius ir trajektorijas, kuriomis galime sau smagiai klaidžioti. Ir dar daugiau – objektai, kurie nei labai skulptros, nei koliažai, nei tapyba, nei buitis. Šsyk žirovo akims – bet kaip pabert dalyk, j nuotrup ir fragment tikrov. Darni ir chaotiška, savaip sustyguota ir objektyvizuota. ” Paulius Garbaiauskas

Personalinės parodos:

2019 - "DUO 02/16", Hangar Gallery, Santa Monica, CA, USA

2017 – “Colorful Society”, Bruce Lurie Gallery, Culver city, CA, USA

2017 – “10’000 signatures”, Building Bridges Art Exchange, Santa Monica, CA, USA

2015 – “…ant žemėlapių”, Vilniaus savivaldybė, Lietuva

2015 – “Blokų aritmetika”, Galerija “Oslo namai – Meno erdvė” Vilnius, Lietuva

2014 – “Kitoks Ivinskas”, Gallery “Oslo namai – Meno erdvė” Vilnius, Lietuva

2014 – Paroda Prezidentūroje, Vilnius, Lietuva

2013 – “Muzikantai”, @ “Piano.lt”, Vilnius, Lietuva

Grupinės parodos:

2019 - "Artist &Researcher 3", The Hoyt Gallery, Los Angeles, CA, USA

2018 – “Women show”, FAB Factory studios, North Hollywood, CA, USA

2016 – “Lithuanian ART show” @ Santa Monica Art Studios, CA, USA

2016 – “Painting records” @ Šv. Jono galerija, Vilnius, Lietuva

2016 - "Breasts. An Explorative Exhibit", @ Oddville. A Creative Space, Los Angeles, CA, USA

2015 – Beyond the Lines Art Show, Los Angeles, CA, USA

2015 – See.me Exhibitions, Fifth Annual Exposure Award @ Musee du Louvre, Paris, France

2015 – Charity Auction “Blossom of Hope”, Vilnius, Lietuva

2014 – See.me exhibitions, Times Square, NYC, USA

2012 – The Sketchbook Project, World tour @ Brooklyn museum, NYC, USA

2011 – Karvės @ PC “Europa”, Vilnius, Lietuva

Dabartiniai autoriai

Dabartiniai autoriai